Fix The Winter Dog Pee Burns Before It’s Too Late!
Help Your Lawn Recover from Winter Dog Pee Burns Dealing with those unsightly dead spots left over from winter dog bathroom breaks? Here’s how to address the damage and keep your lawn looking its best: Understanding Winter Dog Urine Damage During the winter, the turf is somewhat protected from the daily blast of urine from your pet, but that saturation of urine will create dead spots once the turf greens up later this spring unless you do some proactive steps now. For those of us in the northern climates, you’ll have about a 2-3 week window to treat the yard before the damage is done. Act Fast: The Key to Recovery The application window is right when the ground is thawed and before the turf is just starting to come out of winter dormancy. Most of us don’t realize that all those turf plants in the yard lose about 60% of their root systems every year and will have to regrow them each spring. If that new root starts to grow and is surrounded by urine, it will fry. This is als...