Is Drought Tolerant Grass Necessary in All Types of Dry Climates?

Tolerant grass is an excellent type of grass to utilize for your yard, as it is functional and grows all types of climates, particularly dry regions. This type of grass is highly recommended in areas with water restrictions or in other arid regions. Some grass species are genetically better equipped for dealing with drought, while others can be improved with various methods.  It’s best to utilize a drought tolerant grass fertilizer product to help maintain it’s health.

Healthy Lawn Drought Tolerant Grass Fertilizer

Cool season tolerant grasses, is another type of tough grass, though not quite as much so as tolerant grass. These types of grasses may actually need additional watering, and some can survive only with rain water. Tall fescue is an adaptable type of grass that is ideal in these conditions. When beginning to grow grass, it is important to note that each plant actually develops from a single seed, and therefore it has to be seeded on a heavy basis.


Sheep fescue grows in clumps, and has a more natural appearance. This type of grass is very low maintenance, needs fertilizing only every few years. Another interesting drought tolerant grass is “Buffalo grass”. Sowing this plant from seed can take a long time. Therefore, it is best to buy it in plugs and plant each plug around five inches apart. It should be either mowed once it grows tall, or mowing can be avoided altogether.


The post Is Drought Tolerant Grass Necessary in All Types of Dry Climates? appeared first on Revive Lawn Care Products.


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