Useful Disease Prevention Tips to Keep Your Lawn in Excellent Shape

Proper lawn care is the cornerstone of keeping your lawn overall healthy and free of any disease. You can save a lot of money on fungicide, pesticide and other substances by simply eliminating the source of the problem at its root. The practices for proper lawn care and disease prevention are generally quite simple, and you’ll find they won’t require too much special preparation:

• First of all, it’s important to nourish your lawn as often as feasible. Feeding it twice every day – or even more, if your pets and kids tend to use your lawn for play – will ensure that your grass will stay healthy and build up a stronger immunity against most diseases.

• In order to prevent wet grass blades from developing a disease, make sure you water your lawn properly and at the right time. Deep watering will keep the blades dry for the most part, and if you water between 6 AM and 10 AM in the morning, you can also ensure that the grass will have enough time to dry.

• Regular mowing is also essential, if you want to prevent diseases from taking hold. The typical height you should set your lawn mower to is about 3-4 inches, unless otherwise specified.

 You can improve the appearance and health of your lawn to an impressive extent by simply using these few lawn care tips. Without harmful diseases, your stress levels and your budget will improve, as you no longer have to deal with costly expenses to get rid of fungi, red thread or rust.

For a great looking lawn, use our liquid organic fertilizer for a plush green lawn your neighbors will envy.

Article source here: Useful Disease Prevention Tips to Keep Your Lawn in Excellent Shape


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