Do Weed Barriers Work?

The proliferation of weeds is one of the most serious problems that gardeners are faced with. Most weeds are stronger and more efficient than cultivated plants and they extract the nutrients that would be essential for whatever you have planted in your garden to thrive, what’s more, some types of weed wrap themselves on the stem of your plants, practically strangling them. Grabbing the weed and pulling it out is a common method to combat the problem, but it is definitely the most tiring and the most inefficient way – weed being such a survivor, if there is the tiniest fraction of the root left in the soil, the plant reinvents itself within a few days. Instead of pulling at weeds all the time, most gardeners today use weed barriers to prevent weed growth – here are some of the most efficient natural barriers:

- Thick layers of mulch, peat moss or straw placed around your plant beds don’t allow water and oxygen to penetrate the ground, thus preventing the appearance of weeds as well, and also allows you to apply organic lawn care products to nearby grass without worrying about feeding the weeds;

- Plastic bags and cardboard sheets work the same way;

- Weed barrier fabrics – these special mesh materials sold in large rolls in garden stores need to be installed into the ground. The mesh prevents weeds from reaching the top of the soil, killing them deep in the ground. The species planted for cultivation grow through the holes cut into the mesh.

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