Efficient, Natural Methods to Control Garden Slugs

Slugs are small, slimy gastropods that live in most gardens. These tiny beasts might not look harmful, but they feed on plant leaves and fruits, so if the size of the slug population in your garden is not under control, you precious plants will suffer. Using the right lawn care products for the situation is recommended.  Here are a few ways to control the slugs in your garden:

- Feeding your slugs to other species – creating an ecosystem that is not favourable will drive the slugs away naturally. The cheapest and easiest to create that kind of environment is to spray the slug-infested area with nematodes, microscopical worms that attack the slugs and kill them – you can find out more about the treatment method from your local garden store. Frogs, toads, ducks, beetles and hedgehogs also feed on slugs, so their presence can significantly reduce the slug population in your garden;

- Trapping – slugs are attracted to beer, they will go a long way to find their favorite beverage, so the best solution for a moderate infestation could be to lure the tiny beasts with some beer poured into a jar and then to trap them and take them elsewhere;

- Copper borders – copper tape is another efficient slug repellent because the mucus excreted by the slugs reacts with the copper and the process is not something the slugs like. Install adhesive copper tape around your pots and make sure you clean it regularly with vinegar to preserve efficiency.

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