How to Prevent Turf Rust

Turf rust, also known as lawn rust disease, is a turf health issue caused by a fungus that appears and thrives among the leaves of grass as the result of excess moisture and should not be confused with brown spots in grass caused by animals or lack of water. The problem usually appears in late summer or in early fall, when hydro-circulation becomes less efficient and it manifests in the form of orange, brown or yellow deposits of fungus spores on the surface of the grass leaves. The disease can spread quickly throughout the entire lawn, but fortunately it is easy to prevent – here are a few tips how:

- Mowing to the right height with clean equipment – to prevent spreading, make sure that you disinfect the blade that you use for mowing. Mow the affected area frequently, but to moderate height to avoid exposing the leaves to harsh sunshine;

- Watering – water the turf early in the morning to give your lawn sufficient time to use up the water and to evaporate unnecessary quantities before the temperatures decrease and the air becomes moist in the evening;

- Use rust-resistant turf species – many grass species are not susceptible to this type of fungus infestation. If your existing grass seems to be very sensitive to rusting and you don’t seem to be able to get rid of the issue, you can try over-seeding your existing grass with more resistant species or to remove the old lawn to replace it entire with rust-resistant turf.

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