What Is the Best Time of Year to Plant Your New Trees?

If you want to plant trees, it makes sense to gather as much intelligence as possible about the best approach you can employ when it comes to the planting process. One of the key issues to keep track f is the ideal time to plant your trees. This concern is of vital importance, because young trees can’t survive as easily at certain times of the year, especially when they also have to deal with the process of adapting to new soil.

The main thing to remember about planting trees is that they need to be given enough time to establish their roots securely, before they are subjected to stressors such as intense winds, high temperature fluctuations and extreme heat or cold. It is suggested that you give your tree a good organic liquid fertilizer to nourish the soil and help them grow.

Droughts are of particular importance, since young trees that require a lot of water will not do very well in these periods, especially when having to also deal with extreme heat. So, planting them in the late spring, before the most intense drought of the year might show up, will not be a productive course of action.

Experts consider the best period to be sometime in the mid-to-late fall, before winter comes, but after the heat of summer has already passed. If you live in a colder region, your window of opportunity will be relatively small, and you have to aim your planting activities about a couple of months before the first freeze arrives.

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