How to Use Fallen Leaves in Your Lawn

Fallen leaves are not necessarily a nuisance in your garden – as a matter of fact, there are many things that you can use them for, putting them to work to protect your garden. Here are some uses of fallen leaves:

- Soil conditioner – fallen leaves are not useful as they are, forming a thick layer on your lawn, but if you mow over them, shredding them to small pieces, they make an excellent soil conditioner that gets naturally into the soil and fertilizes it from within although it doesn't completely replace usig the best lawn fertilizer applied annually;

- Compost – fallen leaves make excellent material for compost, especially if they are added while still damp and mixed with green materials. If your compost bin is too full already, you can also bag the leaves and keep them bagged until the summer when you can add them to the bin;

- Make leaf mulch – leaf mulch is an excellent, all-natural insulation for your plants. Collect the fallen leaves, shred them to small pieces and spread the material in your flower beds in a layer that is 2-3 inches thick. Try to avoid the stems of the flowers in the bed because covering the stems with leaf mulch might encourage the appearance of plant diseases.


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