Tasks to Complete in Your Lawn and Garden This September

September ushers in the fall and it is the month for preparing the lawn and the garden for the cold season. In some areas, September is likely to bring the first frosts, while others can continue to enjoy the best of summer weather – bright sunshine without the high heat. The month is also perfect for completing lots of tasks on your landscape – here are some:

- Dead-heading flowers – in most areas, the first dead-heads have already appeared on flowers. Check your flower beds frequently and remove dried blooms to allow the plants to grow and to prepare for the next blooming season;

- Harvests – many vegetables in the garden ripe in September – your tomatoes, aubergines, sweetcorn and some potato varieties are the at their best during the first weeks of fall;

- Plant berries – raspberries, strawberries and currants are best planted in September – that way you can make sure your will have an excellent harvest quite early next year;

- Change mowing height on your lawn – it is time to raise the cutting blades a bit higher to allow your turf to become longer and stronger before winter – it makes it easier for the blades to resist the frost and it will make it easier for them to revive during the following spring, too.  Purchase quality lawn and garden products with https://www.revive.com/.


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