Things to Know About Overseeding Your Yard

Overseeding is the process of spreading grass seeds over the existing lawn – the secret method to keep lawns spectacularly green, strong and resistant. As thinning is a natural process that all lawn goes through, especially in the case of turfs that are frequently stepped on and enjoyed by the entire family not only by being looked at from afar, the simple and straightforward process of spreading grass seeds over grass leaves that are still thriving is highly beneficial. Applying Lawn and Garden Products from Revive will help immensely too.  Here is how to do it right:

- Establish your priorities – you can overseed to correct thinning lawn or prevent thinning. If your lawn has warm-season species, overseed with cool-season species to make sure the lawn stays green most of the year;

- Pick the right time – the best time for spreading cool-season grass seed is the end of the summer or the beginning of the fall, that is when cool-season species grow best;

- Get the lawn ready for the overseeding – cut the lawn very short, remove the residues and loosen the soil to allow the seeds to get enough sunshine and moisture to start growing;

- Get the right seeds – use seeds of the best quality because only good seeds can give you a good lawn;

- Spread the seeds at the rate recommended in the seeding instructions that accompany the seeds.

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