Tips for Moving Your Outdoor Plants Inside

When the temperatures outside start decreasing and not only during the night, it is time to start preparing your outdoor plants for being moved inside – here is how:

- Wash the plants – apply a strong spray of pure water while the plants are still outside, then follow up with some insecticide and let the plants dry – it is a very important step that prevents moving any insects and insect eggs inside where they could proliferate uncontrollably;

- Prepare the area inside – pick a bright corner or a bright room area for the plants that love the sun, an area where they can get sufficient light through the windows all winter. The plants that go into hibernation during the winter can survive the cold season in the basement without any special lighting solutions, such as growlights;

- Provide sufficient humidity during the winter, but avoid overwatering – spray the plants with water every day or every few days, but be careful with the watering – most plants need only small amounts of water during dormant periods;

- Time the fertilization – fertilize your plants about a month before you move them outside again, and after you use the best lawn fertilizer on your grass, dormant plants can be harmed by fertilizers applied when it is not necessary;

- Water the plants generously when you move them outside again – take your plants outside when the temperatures are warm and stable and give them lots of water right away to make it easier for them to get their strength back.


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