When Should You Start to Fertilize Your Front Yard?

The problem of when to start fertilizing your yard is a very real one. While most homeowners already have a well-defined schedule or routine for that sort of thing, you might find that it’s not always clear what you have to do and when. Fertilizing is a serious part of gardening, and it requires the utmost of care. As a result, making sure your fertilizing habits are in line with what your plants, herbs and veggies need is essential to a successful undertaking.


First of all, do you know what to feed your seedlings? When they first sprout, you’ll find that they don’t use much food to grow. In fact, the first set of leaves they have – also known as cotyledons – have the ability to draw all their energy from the resources already contained within the seed. However, once the “real” leaves appear, it’s important to start feeding your newly sprouted plants with diluted, all-purpose, water-soluble fertilizer.


When to start? The general consensus among organic lawn care experts is that you have to observe the development of the “true” leaves, and start when they appear – which can be different in the case of each plant. Once you begin, make sure you apply the fertilizer solution twice a day, and continue this feeding pattern for the next 7-10 days.

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