What Time Of The Year Is Best For Fertilization

Maintaining the soil by mechanical actions is not enough. The areas designed to grow vegetable and other plants must be permanently cared for and the quality of the soil improved to ensure high fertility, especially true for drought tolerant grass areas. The basic methods to achieve this goal are soil fertilization and irrigation.

Vegetables typically take from the soil large amounts of nutrients, in a short period of time. Among the agro-technical measures that contribute to increasing the production of vegetables and improving their quality, the correct application of organic and mineral fertilizers has a very important role. Excessive fertilization can lead to product quality degradation and increased pollution of the soil and groundwater, therefore it is essential to balance the application of organic fertilizers with mineral fertilizers.

The soil in your garden likes a whole range of organic and mineral fertilizers, especially in the form of solutions or granules. Liquid fertilizers are also becoming more and more popular, being administered on plant leaves, with outstanding results.

Soil fertilization should be done before autumn plow, or in spring, before preparing the land for sowing. In this way, you will have a soil rich in nutrients, vegetables will be tasty and the harvest – rich.


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