Why Does Grass Turn Brown In The Winter?

If the grass in your yard turns brown in the winter, it is probably affected by a disease called snow mold.

Snow mold develops in the cold season, in the presence or absence of snow, and, as it progresses, the lawn becomes brown and the diameter of the affected areas reaches 50 - 60 cm. Under humid conditions, the edges of the brown areas become pink-ish due to the spores of the fungus causing this disease. The lawn can be partially or totally destroyed.

The favorable conditions for the development of this fungus are low temperatures (0-18 ° C), snow, long periods of rainy and frosty weather, shady or poorly drained areas, lawn left unmown over the winter or covered with leaves that prevent it from breathing.

With the melting of snow, the spores are spread by drops of water, tools, animals and people who cross the lawn.  It may leave you asking How to make your grass green for Spring?  The answer is feeding it the proper fertilizer in the fall so it is nourished at the roots during the cold winter months.

How to treat the snow mold

Treatments will be done in the spring, using a systemic product or a mixing solution: contact fungicide + systemic fungicide. Prior to the treatment, the lawn has to be cleaned, rankled and the affected grass will be pulled out and burned.

If there are only small areas affected by snow mold, you can treat them as soon as you identify them, by removing the diseased grass blades, as well as about 2 cm of their soil.

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