Plants To Grow In Your Lawn and Garden in December

Even if the cold season is here and nature is numb, do not hesitate to make the necessary steps to prepare your lawn and garden for the spring. Be sure to use organic fertilizer from Revive in the fall, and early Spring.  Despite the weather, some resistant plants successfully make the transition from winter to the next season, growing in vibrant colors that will stand in the winter`s monotony.

Hepatica is a flower of the family of anemones that produces inflorescences of different colors, from white and pink to purple, in the late winter or early spring. Another member of the same family is the wind flower; it produces lovely flowers in different colors that appear in March.

Cyclamen is another plant that does not care about the cold outside. Its amazingly beautiful flowers, in a pink-violet shade, delight us in late autumn, resisting the winter until early spring, when it enters its vegetative state.

Hellebore, popularly known as winter rose or Christmas rose, is a vigorous flower able to cope with many enemies, including the cold. In the natural environment, hellebores bloom in early spring, when the winter still haunts us.

You can also decorate your garden with ivy and perennials that remain green all year round. They look great along alleys or at the garden`s entrance.

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