What Should You Do With Lawn Dog Spots During Winter?

A major problem many dog owners must face is lawn dog spots. They appear when dogs urinate on the lawn, because their urine contains a high percentage of nitrogen that causes the apparition of brown spots on the grass. Although the grass actually needs nitrogen for growing, dog urine releases a concentrated amount of nitrogen in one place.

Follow these steps to revive your lawn and prevent brown spots in grass from your dog in the future.

When you notice your dog urinating on your lawn, immediately saturate the area with water, using a garden hose. This way, the nitrogen concentration is diluted and uniformly distributed. To be efficient, you should perform this operation as promptly as possible.

If you do not notice the problem and take no measure, the grass will turn brown and you must clean the area by pulling off the grass and also by removing at least a few centimeters of. Add a new layer of soil and mix it with some lime to help neutralize any remaining particles containing dog urine. Replant the grass in the affected areas; preferably use a more resistant type.

Finally yet importantly, train your dog to urinate somewhere else; this is the only way to get rid completely of the unsightly lawn dog spots.

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