How and When to Start Fertilizing Your Lawn in Spring

Fertilizing Your Lawn For Spring

Lawn fertilization is an ongoing process that should start in spring, when soil temperature reaches 55 degrees Fahrenheit, that is, when grass starts growing and lilacs start blooming.

While many lawn owners still think that the best way to ensure that their lawn grows strong and beautiful quickly is to apply the fertilizer first thing in spring, when the snow has just melted and nature starts to show the first signs of coming back to life. In fact, early fertilization can cause more harm than good. When the soil is just starting to warm up and the grass is starting to live again after long months of vegetative state, the plants first put all their energy into strengthening and growing roots to prepare for themselves a strong base that can survive whatever weather will come along during the upcoming year. If you add fertilizer in this early stage of development, you will divert the plant’s energy from growing strong roots to growing leaves.

Whether you choose synthetic fertilizer or organic from Revive of Colorado , make sure to apply it when the temperature conditions are right – in most geographic regions, the soil reaches the temperature specified above during the second half of April. Repeat the fertilization a couple of times during the peak season, too and your lawn will surely stay beautiful all year around.

First Posted right here: How and When to Start Fertilizing Your Lawn in Spring


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