When Should You Apply Fertilizer on Your Lawn

Proper mowing, weeding and fertilization are the three secrets to a lush green lawn. Out of the three techniques, fertilization is the process that is probably the most complex, that needs careful evaluation of the lawn in terms of the dominant grass variety, the climate conditions and the times when the substance of choice is applied. Here are some tips to help you make the most of your lawn fertilization efforts by timing the process:Watering After Applying Fertilizer To Lawn

  • Start in late spring – the best time to start fertilizing your lawn with an organic lawn care fertilizer is in April,usually during the second half of the month, when the temperature of the soil is above 55 degrees Fahrenheit. As fertilizers encourage the development of the leaves, applying the substance when the soil is still cold and the plants focus on strengthening their roots would result in weaker roots and weaker leaves as well;
  • Apply fertilizer two more times during the growing season as well – fertilizing your lawn once around the middle of the season and once around the end of it should be enough for keeping your grass strong, healthy and green all season around. Whatever fertilizer you use, always make sure to follow the instructions on the label of the fertilizer.

Originally Posted on: When Should You Apply Fertilizer on Your Lawn


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