Why Does Pet Urine Damage Grass


Pet urine, especially the urine of dogs, is among the worst enemies of healthy grass, leaving brown spots in grass and hard to green up – a problem that is especially frustrating for proud pet owners who would like to reconcile their love for animals with their wish to have strong, healthy, green lawn.

Keeping Your Grass Green With Pets

The reason why pet urine is harmful for lawns is the high contents of minerals and other elements found in the liquid. While nitrogen is an essential element for any plant, the excessive amount of nitrogen that the plants are bombarded with whenever pets leave their urine on the lawn is highly damaging. Pet urine contains high amounts of salts as well as substances that can change the pH of the soil – a process that inevitably kills the grass.

Luckily, there are several solutions at the disposal of pet owners who want to have healthy lawns, too:

  • Dogs can be trained to refrain from urinating on the lawn;
  • The grass in the areas that are frequently visited by pets can be replaced with more resistant plants, such as clover;
  • The owner can create a pet-friendly landscape that has delimited areas that pets have access to and areas covered in grass that pets are kept away from.

Originally Posted over here: Why Does Pet Urine Damage Grass


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