Fun Ways To Celebrate Earth Day

On April 22, every year, we have Earth Day, which was set up by the United Nations a decade ago, and celebrated through Resolution 63/278 to remind everyone that Earth and its ecosystems offer us the living conditions we need and that if we destroy them, we have no future.

Earth Day offers the opportunity to raise public awareness around the world about the challenges that can destroy the planet's well-being and the life that the Earth supports. Currently, more than a billion people, from different places on the earth, express interest in protecting the planet by participating in various actions dedicated to this day.

Supporting Earth DayFun ways to celebrate include volunteering for the environment, planting trees, using organic lawn care for your grass, or working in animal shelters. It is not the standard way to celebrate, but it is definitely a responsible and very rewarding way.

Alternatively, you may want to give up your personal car, just for this day. You can replace it with walking or biking. Also, if planting a tree is too much for you, you can keep things simple: plant something green (anything!) in your own yard. Symbolic gestures matter too!

On this day, we should do more than having fun; it is important to move from words to a proactive attitude.

First Seen over here: Fun Ways To Celebrate Earth Day


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