How to Check or Get Your Sprinklers Checked This Spring

Along with spring comes the time to start watering your garden or lawn – in other words, it is time to start your sprinkle system, it's how to make grass green at the beginning of Spring. No matter how complex your sprinkler system, ideally, all the sprinklers and the other components of the system should be checked before the first start – here are some tips for you to make the process easier:Time To Start The Water Sprinkler

  • Make sure the ground is not frozen – starting the sprinklers when the deeper layers of the ground are still frozen can lead to freezing the water in the lines and might cause permanent and difficult to identify damage to your sprinkler system;
  • Clean the control panel of the system, then start it and check the settings – if the panel is installed outdoors, it probably needs a little dusting. When it is all clean, turn it on and review the settings to make sure they are right for your garden;
  • Clean each of your sprinklers – this is the most tedious phase of the entire preparation process. You need to inspect each sprinkler head for damage, remove and replace any damaged nozzles, the clean all the nozzles with the help of a small brush, such as a toothbrush;
  • Start the main valve very slowly to avoid too much air and water getting into the system simultaneously, then test the system to see whether the zones that need irrigation get sufficient water.

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