The Best Flowers to Plant in May

Summer is here soon, so May is the best time to plant the colorful, cheerful flowers that will bloom in your garden throughout the summer. Here are some of the best choices for your flowerbeds:Wonderful Blooming Plants

  • Marigold – this hardy little flower comes in shades of bright yellow and orange. They thrive best in beds that get plenty of sunshine and they require hardly any maintenance;
  • Aster – this perennial usually comes in shades of purple, but they are also available in white and pink, too. They resist heat well and they bloom from spring through fall;
  • Black-eyed Susan – another bright yellow garden staple, the black-eyed Susan is, fact, a wildflower. You can use them to add a cheerful spot to your garden and you can enjoy them in your fresh bouquets as well;
  • Blanket flower – the yellow-tipped, red petals on the short thin stalks belong to very tough little flowers. They have very long blooming time and they thrive well in the company of most other common garden flowers;
  • Hibiscus – if you want to add an exotic, tropical touch to your garden and you have sufficient space for a large plant, the hibiscus will surely do the job for you. It does not require too much attention, but it likes water.  For best results and gorgeous blooms apply a recommended organic liquid fertilizer after planting and water thoroughly.

First Seen here: The Best Flowers to Plant in May


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