Tips for Controlling Aphids on Your Plants

Aphids, also called greenflies or blackflies, even though there are individuals of other colors as well, are small insects that thrive on the sap of plants. They are hardy little creatures that can survive almost any weather, therefore they might appear in every garden. They also multiply very quickly, therefore it is essential to implement proper prevention measures or, if they are already spreading in your garden, to take steps to control and eliminate them. Here are some tips:Fertilize Plants And Protect Them From Aphids

  • A spray with cold water – in some cases, dislodging the critters from the surface of your plants with a cold shower might be all it takes to get rid of aphids;
  • Dusting with flour – plain, white flour causes constipation to the aphids, driving them away or killing them;
  • Spray or wipe the leaves of the affected plants with soap water or with soap water mixed with some cayenne pepper. Repeat the process every 2-3 days for a couple of weeks;
  • Use insecticides – you can also use special oils and soaps intended for combatting aphids. They are available in garden stores and they are efficient against the aphids without harming the rest of the plant or the environment in any way.  Make sure to apply a good organic fertilizer to your lawn and garden areas from Revive in Colorado after treatment of aphids to support growth of your plants.

Article Source on: Tips for Controlling Aphids on Your Plants


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