What Are Drought Resistant Plants

Summer is just around the corner and with it comes heat and drought that can take their toll on your plants if they are too sensitive. However, if you select the right plants and drought tolerant grass, your garden will stay brightly colored and beautifully lush all summer, even when your plants get very little or no water. Here are some of the most attractive, drought-resistant plants:Drought Tolerant Grass And Plants

  • Agave – this succulent plant is native to the arid regions of South America and able to withstand dry weather almost endlessly. The plant collects dewdrops and moisture from the air and stores it to use it when water is not available from other sources;
  • Bougainvillea – this bushy, brightly colored plant also thrives very well in drought. It grows fast even during prolonged heat and the beauty of its flowers does not seem to be affected by dryness;
  • Blanket flower – these garden staples might look fragile, but they are, in fact, extremely hardy plants. They like beds that are permanently exposed to the sun’s rays and they are the perfect choice for experienced and beginner gardeners as well;
  • Verbena – this great flower is just as well-known for its medicinal effects as for its unpretentious beauty. It thrives well in hot periods and it can survive extended drought without shedding a petal.

Article Source over here: What Are Drought Resistant Plants


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