Why Do People Thatch Their Yard?


Brown Patches Of Thatch In LawnThatch is a loose layer between the green part of the grass and the roots, usually composed of intermingled shoots, leaves and stems that have dried out and it starts appearing when the grass produces organic matter faster than it can be decomposed. While many turf owners decide to remove thatch, other consider it useful and keep it where it appears – here is how removing or keeping the thatch from the lawn affects the life of your turf:

  • Insulation against wide temperature variations – extreme temperature changes are very harmful for any type of lawn, but thatch can efficiently insulate the soil, maintaining the temperature around the roots stable. However, if the layer of thatch on the grass is too thick and the appearance of brown patches on lawn, it might prevent the access of the sun’s warmth to the grass, so whether or not to keep the thatch on should be decided carefully;
  • Fertilizer efficiency – without thatch, the fertilizer that you spread on the lawn might be more efficient;
  • Draining – thatch on the lawn might prevent the grass from drying properly after extensive periods of rain. However, it also prevents the lawn from drying too quickly during droughty periods, so thatch can actually keep your lawn alive in certain situations.

First Posted here: Why Do People Thatch Their Yard?


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