
Showing posts from June, 2019

Different Ways to Mow Your Lawn

Mowing your lawn is an excellent way to ensure the health and beauty of your lawn as well as to promote its growth by allowing nutrients to reach to the roots. However, improper mowing techniques are among the most common causes of lawn health issues – not mowing at the right height, at the right time or at the right intervals can hurt your lawn, causing it to lose its beauty. Most experts recommend setting the mower to clip off the top one third of the grass and to mow early in the evening, the right method depends very much on the grass variety that you have on your lawn as well as on your climate, so you should take into consideration principles, rather than specific figures and intervals. What is important when you determine the best mowing method is to mow the grass when it is dry and to use one of the highest setting on your mower. The best interval for your mowing sessions also depends on the grass type, the season and the growth conditions – you will surely notice when your g...

How Many Times Should You Mow Your Lawn

The frequency of lawn mowing should always depend on the current condition of the lawn – in other words, what is the most important is the lawn’s condition, the intervals at which you mow should be determined on the way your lawn looks. To determine whether it is time for mowing your lawn, take a close look at the blades of grass. If you see that your grass is becoming too long (longer than 3 inches), you should prepare for the mowing. Among average conditions, you should mow the grass at one-week intervals, but the best timing really depends on how your grass is doing, bearing in mind that cutting the blades too short and leaving them too long can be equally damaging. Before you start mowing, make sure that your machine’s blades are very sharp and set them at a height that allows you to clip off the top one third of the blades. Run your mower on the lawn when the grass is dry, preferably in the early morning, before the first drops of dew appear. The ultimate secret to determining ...

Your Guide to Getting the Green Lawn You’ve Always Wanted

The green lawns that you admire so much are the result of hard work, attention and planning, but the activities that need to be carried out are not very complicated and include only fertilizing, mowing, watering and de-weeding. However, these seemingly simple tasks need to be done right and performed at the right time – here are some tips to help you make the most of your lawn care efforts:   Fertilization – to make sure that you give your lawn all the nourishment it needs, get a sample of your soil tested, then find the fertilizer that supplies exactly what your soil and your type of grass needs. The easiest way to fertilize properly is to apply a suitable amount of organic fertilizer in spring and in fall – you can choose to buy the fertilizer or you can make your own composts, that is how to make grass green with ease ; Watering – always water early in the morning and experiment to find out the amount of water that your grass needs to thrive; Mowing – always mow early in t...

The Best Plants to Attract Butterflies

  If watching the butterflies that visit your yard or garden is among your favorite pastimes and you want to make your landscape more attractive for these graceful and colorful critters, here are some   easy to cultivate plants that will attract butterflies of all sizes and colors to your flower beds:   The butterfly bush – this plant is, as the name shows, the perfect attraction for butterflies, preferred by a wide range of butterfly species, including monarchs, swallowtails and sulphurs; Red and white clover – a small clover plantation will also attract a host of butterflies, including various species of skippers, gray hairstreaks and sleepy oranges; Daisies – humble and beautiful daisies are great favorites with mourning cloaks and they are culinary delights for the caterpillars of the painted lady; Poplar – the tree variety is preferred by garden owners for its fast growth rate and its resistance to illnesses. The tree is attractive for the tiger swallowtail...

Why Choose Organic Lawn Fertilizer

  If your lawn is starting to show signs telling you that it needs fertilization and for a while you have been contemplating applying an organic fertilizer instead of the traditional, synthetic stuff that you are used to, here are some arguments to convince you that going organic is, indeed, an excellent idea: Chemical-free safety for your lawn and your household – organic fertilizers are entirely composed of animal and plant matter, such manure, leaves, fruit and vegetable residues that decompose in the ground without leaving behind any toxic build-up; Your lawn will use exactly the amount of fertilizer that it needs – while it is difficult to get the optimum quantity of non-organic fertilizers right, organic fertilizer Denver retailers sell do not pose that risk. If you apply too much of your organic matter on the turf, Mother Nature will recycle it over time and will make good use of the extra nourishment; Slow release – organic fertilizers take longer to become absorbed ...

Tips for Reviving Grass from Dog Urine

Dog urine is among the worst enemies of grass – you might enjoy spending time playing with your dog in the grass, but your four-legged friend’s urine contains too much nitrogen for your turf to endure and might destroy your precious lawn. If you are struggling with grass damaged by dog urine, don’t worry, with some attention and care, you can save your lawn and restore its beauty. Here are some tips for you: Remove the damaged grass – burned grass does not come back to life, so you need to remove it; Spread limestone on the damaged area and add water – the combination will absorb what your dog has left on the grass and will restore the balance of the soil. Leave the limestone on the burned patch for around a week to let it do its job; Apply some fresh soil on the patch and sprinkle grass seeds on it the same way as you would normally spread grass seeds, then water the area gently, paying attention not to wash away the newly sprinkled seeds; Keep watering for a couple of weeks and ...

Planning Out Your Fertilization Schedule for Green Grass

The perfect lawn needs not only year-around care and attention – it also needs its owner to develop a lawn care strategy, a detailed schedule that determines exactly how watering, mowing and fertilization will be done. While watering and mowing are activities performed more frequently and lawn owners can tell exactly when their grass needs water or is too long by simply looking at the lawn, determining when to apply fertilizers is more complicated, so here are a few tips for you to make developing that strategy easier and more efficient: Get your soil tested – the nutrient content and the pH level of the soil is determined by many factors and it changes all the time. To determine the best fertilizer and the fertilization intervals for your lawn, it is essential to know exactly what your soil is composed of and what type of supplements it needs, so start developing your plan by getting a sample of your soil tested in a lab – most grass varieties need a neutral pH, around 6.5; Start l...

Deciding the Best Time to Water Your Lawn

  Lawn care can be very rewarding, but it can also be a frustrating experience if the outcome of your efforts seems to be far from what you expect.   One of the most common mistakes that lawn owners make is to water the lawn when they shouldn’t. Lawn heats up when it is exposed to very harsh sunshine during the day and pouring or sprinkling much colder water on the hot blades of grass will hurt and burn the plants. Watering when the air is very hot is also inefficient, because the hotter the air, the faster the water will evaporate, leaving your grass exposed to dryness and heat.   The best time to water your lawn is early in the morning, before 10 o’clock, when the sun’s heat is still bearable, when the air is still moist and you don’t need to worry about shocking your plants. If you do the watering in that interval, you will be able to apply water on plants that are of approximately the same temperature as the water, you will keep evaporation to the minimum and yo...