Deciding the Best Time to Water Your Lawn


Lawn care can be very rewarding, but it can also be a frustrating experience if the outcome of your efforts seems to be far from what you expect.


Watering And Lawn Care

One of the most common mistakes that lawn owners make is to water the lawn when they shouldn’t. Lawn heats up when it is exposed to very harsh sunshine during the day and pouring or sprinkling much colder water on the hot blades of grass will hurt and burn the plants. Watering when the air is very hot is also inefficient, because the hotter the air, the faster the water will evaporate, leaving your grass exposed to dryness and heat.


The best time to water your lawn is early in the morning, before 10 o’clock, when the sun’s heat is still bearable, when the air is still moist and you don’t need to worry about shocking your plants. If you do the watering in that interval, you will be able to apply water on plants that are of approximately the same temperature as the water, you will keep evaporation to the minimum and you will also allow your turf plenty of time to use the water and to become sufficiently dry before the first dewdrops appear in the evening.  Applying an organic lawn care product twice a year or as needed can be helpful too.

First Seen here: Deciding the Best Time to Water Your Lawn


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