Your Guide to Getting the Green Lawn You’ve Always Wanted

The green lawns that you admire so much are the result of hard work, attention and planning, but the activities that need to be carried out are not very complicated and include only fertilizing, mowing, watering and de-weeding. However, these seemingly simple tasks need to be done right and performed at the right time – here are some tips to help you make the most of your lawn care efforts:

Guide To Make Grass Green


  • Fertilization – to make sure that you give your lawn all the nourishment it needs, get a sample of your soil tested, then find the fertilizer that supplies exactly what your soil and your type of grass needs. The easiest way to fertilize properly is to apply a suitable amount of organic fertilizer in spring and in fall – you can choose to buy the fertilizer or you can make your own composts, that is how to make grass green with ease;
  • Watering – always water early in the morning and experiment to find out the amount of water that your grass needs to thrive;
  • Mowing – always mow early in the evening, when the grass is dry. Sharpen your mower’s blades often to prevent damage to your grass and never cut the grass too short or leave it too long;
  • De-weeding – inspect your lawn regularly and remove weeds manually or with the help of a weed killing product.

First Seen right here: Your Guide to Getting the Green Lawn You’ve Always Wanted


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