Saving Water During Smart Irrigation Month


For those who do not know, Smart Irrigation Month is a campaign created  by the Irrigation Association to increase public awareness of the importance of saving water during the hot season`s peak demand. There are annual  activities bringing together water providers, irrigation companies and other industry professionals like those who make the best lawn fertilizer and who attempt to promote smart irrigation practices and educate customers in different ways – with the purpose of minimizing peak water use and find better solutions for the water challenges we face nowadays.

Save Water Using Lawn Fertilizer And Watering Methods

Farmers say crop irrigation is much more expensive now than 20 years ago; rising temperatures and the desertification process make them irrigate much more often. If irrigation was necessary once every 7-10 days in 1990, farmers now irrigate once every 3-4 days. Under these circumstances, it is necessary to replace the sprinkler system with smart irrigation systems, to reduce water consumption.

One of the best solutions is the drip irrigation system.

The costs of sprinkler irrigation are twice as high than drip irrigation costs. With a drip irrigation system, a hectare of land requires 15 kilometers of drip tape and 150,000 drippers. If a dripper consumes 1.7-2 liters per hour that means 150,000 drippers need 300,000 liters per hour, which is half as much as a sprinkler system would use.


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