How to Design A Drought Tolerant Urban Landscape


Urban environments are hotter and drier than rural areas, therefore garden owners in the city need to be very careful when they choose the plants for their landscape and when they create the design for the space. If you have lawn small lawn areas, be sure to plant drought tolerant grasses and apply organic lawn fertilizer to lower the amount of water that is needed.  Here are some landscape design tips for droughty areas:

Organic Fertilizer Helps Drought Tolerant Grasses And Plants

  • Use your paths to capture water – permeable surfaces, such as gravel or bricks promote the absorption of rainwater into the ground, adding valuable moisture to the soil and reducing watering needs;
  • The right combination of plants – drought-resistant perennials, such as big bluestems, ornamental onions, agave and yarrows make excellent choices for an attractive garden. Combine your perennials with shrubs and bushes, such as lilacs, Japanese flowering quinces and butterfly bushes for a rustic, colourful landscape;
  • Plant trees – sycamores, oaks, magnolias and various types of pine are great for creating shady areas without requiring you to water them excessively. You will need to be patient until your young trees develop crowns, but if you are in a hurry, you can buy large, adult trees to plant as well;
  • Pay attention to orientation – the sun’s rays are not equally strong throughout the day. To have a really durable landscape, plant more resistant plants in areas that get direct sun most of the day and try to find shady areas for the species that can cope with only a limited amount of solar exposure.

Original Post on: How to Design A Drought Tolerant Urban Landscape


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