How To Make Sure Your Plant Roots Get Enough Oxygen

Oxygen is essential for grass and plants and not only for the stems and the leaves – roots cannot strive in low-oxygen environments, therefore facilitating oxygen penetration into the spoil is very important if you want a beautiful lawn & garden. Oxygen and the right nutrients are an important factor on how to make grass green all summer long.  Here some tips how to aerate your soil:

How To Make Grass And Plants Survive And Green

  • Loosen the soil – use a suitable tool to move and break down the surface of the soil, but take care not to hurt the plant roots. You can use an aerating tool or whatever gardening tool that you consider suitable for the purpose and repeat the operation whenever you consider it necessary;
  • Add compost – compost is the best nutrient for any soil, not only adding valuable minerals to it, but improving its texture with its fiber content and making it looser, too;
  • Prevent compacting – one of the most common mistakes that results in hard, low-oxygen soil is using the improper watering technique. Using a hose without the head is harmful for your plants because the process compacts the soil, preventing oxygen from reaching the roots. To avoid the problem, water gently, but efficiently, sprinkling the water, rather than pouring it and try not to soak your plants either – the weight of the water also presses down the soil.

First Posted on: How To Make Sure Your Plant Roots Get Enough Oxygen


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