Keeping Your Lawn Green During A Drought

Use Organic Lawn Care Products To Keep Grass Green

Drought is harmful for grass, so your lawn will need your help and attention to be able to survive droughty periods and to strive. Here is how you can make sure your turf stays strong and green even when rain is not even in the forecast:

  • Use drought-tolerant varieties – not all grass varieties respond the same way to drought, some are more sensitive to the amount of moisture they get, others are hardier. Choose grass varieties that can take dryness well – you don’t need to remove your sensitive grass, over-sprinkling with drought-resistant seeds is usually enough;
  • Water correctly – turn on your sprinklers or use your preferred watering method early in the morning, once or twice a week. That way, your grass will have access to sufficient moisture all day and will be able to stand up to the drought until the dew drops in the evening feed it again;
  • Aerate the soil more frequently – compacted and covered soil prevents oxygen as well as moisture from reaching to the roots of the grass, so make sure that thatch is removed from the surface of the soil and that the soil is sufficiently loose, use quality organic lawn care products to enrich the soil;
  • Use organic fertilizer – composting your lawn will give your grass all the nutrients it needs for surviving droughty periods.

First Seen right here: Keeping Your Lawn Green During A Drought


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