Lawn Service Providers Promote Using Revive To Their Customers

One of the benefits of being a great organic lawn product is that people in the landscaping and lawn service industry recommend us and use our products. Below is a great endorsement from Lawn Doctor of Fort Collins:

REVIVE® from Lawn Doctor of Ft. Collins

REVIVE® is a 100% natural organic feed with a soil wetting agent designed to save water.  Colorado’s compacted, clay soils make it difficult for water to penetrate to the roots.  REVIVE®, specifically developed for our local conditions, helps water penetrate the soil for healthier turf and more efficient water use.

Benefits of a natural REVIVE® application include:

  • Adds organic matter and supplemental nutrients to the soil
  • Aids in recovery for a drought-stressed lawn
  • Attracts and retains water in the soil, even through heavy thatch
  • Reduces run off, pooling and evaporation of water resources

Price is based on the lawn square footage – Prices start at $50 for 2,000 sq. ft.

Available June – October

Lawn Dr. of Ft. Collins

  * Responsible Care *

970-221-0441 Call or Text


First Posted on: Lawn Service Providers Promote Using Revive To Their Customers


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