Signs That Your Lawn Might Need More Water


Finding the amount of water that your lawn needs takes some experimentation – here are some signs that indicates your grass needs more water:

Signs Your Lawn Need Organic Fertilizer And More Water

  • Visible footprints – walk a little on your grass, then look back. Properly hydrated grass stands up immediately when the pressure is no longer applied, but if you see your own footprints, it means that your lawn needs more water;
  • Changed color – healthy, nourished and hydrated grass is of a vibrant green color. If your grass is of a dull greyish-blue, it means that it is thirsty.

To restore the health and the strength of your turf, water it correctly. Always water early in the morning to give your grass sufficient moisture to feed on during the day. Experiment a little to find the exact amount of water to be applied – the general rule is to add about half an inch of water, but the right amount depends on the grass variety as well as on the weather. You can also help your grass retain more water by mowing it regularly to the right height and by adding organic fertilizer, such as compost, to make sure the soil as well as the roots of the grass stay nourished.

First Seen here: Signs That Your Lawn Might Need More Water


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