Actions to Do This Fall That Will Help Your Grass Grow Green Next Summer

Lawn care is not only a process of managing your turf for instant or almost instant results – it is also a process of looking ahead and of performing activities that will ensure the future health of your lawn. Here are a few activities that you should carry out this fall to ensure that your drought tolerant grass will be strong and beautiful next summer:

Treat Drought Tolerant Grass In The Fall Each Year

  • Clean the grass regularly – fall leaves might create a beautiful scenery, but they can block the sun’s rays and are harmful your lawn. If your landscape has trees, make sure to remove the fallen leaves from your turf because only a strong and healthy lawn can survive the winter and come back to life in all its beauty the following year;
  • Keep mowing, leaving the grass longer, but not too long – longer leaves provide better protection for the roots when the temperatures drop below freezing, but leaves that are too long create an environment in which fungi can proliferate, so you need to find the ideal height for your grass in fall, usually in the 2 ½-3 inches range;
  • Aerate the soil – loosening the soil will make it easier for your grass to get the nutrients it needs for staying healthy through the winter;
  • Fertilize – the best time is late fall, before the first frost;
  • Seeding over – fall is also the time for correcting your lawn by sprinkling it with new seeds.

First Seen over here: Actions to Do This Fall That Will Help Your Grass Grow Green Next Summer


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