How to Bring Back Dead Grass

Revive Grass With Dog Spot Treatments

The unsightly, yellow and brown patches of dead grass might look worrying, but fortunately they are easy to remedy – here is how:

  • Identify the cause – dead patches might be caused by a number of reasons, including grass disease that appears because of excessive watering and animal urine;
  • Remove the dead grass – the best way to do it is manually, even if it seems tedious. Remove all the thatch from the affected area, paying attention to not harming any of the healthy grass;
  • Neutralize animal urine – if the discolored patches are caused by pet urine, neutralize it with limestone, then water the area to make sure that all the harmful chemicals that killed the grass are absorbed. Remove the top layer of the soil, replace it with new, fertile, healthy soil and sprinkle the surface with grass seeds. Pay special attention to applying water in sufficient quantities for the next couple of weeks, until the new grass leaves appear, then return to the usual watering habits;
  • Prevent recurring damage – if the damage was caused by a pet, try to keep the animal away from the lawn. If that is difficult or impossible, make sure that your pet drinks enough water to dilute the urine.  Apply products from to speed up the process and keep your lawn looking green.

Article Source here: How to Bring Back Dead Grass


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