Tips for Deciding on the Best Time to Plant Trees

Fall Fertilizing Fall Planting

Fall, especially the period when the ground is still warm, but no longer excessively hot, such as late August and early September, is the best time to plant many different varieties of trees, while spring is the best time for fruit trees. Here are some more details:

  • In fall, there is less chance for drought and excessive heat – trees need cooler temperatures and environments that are moister to be able to grow new roots. Fall is not as droughty and scorching as the period from May to August, being a time when it is easier for plants to accommodate and adjust to a new environment;
  • Plenty of time until the first frost – the longer your new trees have until freezing weather settles in at the end of fall, the better;
  • The period right before dormancy is the best – most trees, with the exception of evergreens, spend a couple of months each year in dormancy. If the trees that you want to plant go dormant in fall, pick the period right before, to give your new trees time to adjust and then plenty of time to rest until nature revives the following spring.
  • Fruit trees are best planted in spring – harsh winter weather can harm fruit trees, so they are better planted in spring, when the soil thaws.  After planting, buy organic fertilizers from to establish the tree.

First Seen right here: Tips for Deciding on the Best Time to Plant Trees


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