Tips for Preparing Your Houseplants for Fall

The Labor Day weekend marks the beginning of the period when temperatures start to drop and when garden owners should start preparing their plants for the special challenges of fall. The process involves more than just grabbing the potted plants that you moved outdoors in spring and move them indoors – here are a few things to pay attention to:

Give Houseplant Soil Treatment Before Moving Inside For Fall

  • Make a plan – inspect your plants and pick the ones to move first. If you have plants that have not been very well recently and would benefit from a more protective environment, make them the first to go in;
  • Repot plants that have grown too much – repotting is something that should be taken care of outside, so get the supplies, including larger pots and high-quality potting soil and a good soil treatment and move plants that are too a large to their new pot. Give repotted plants a little time to adjust to the new environment and move them inside only when you see that they feel good;
  • Make sure you don’t move dead plant particles or pests – clean the plants, removing dead leaves and dried flower heads, then soak the plants into lukewarm water to drive away any unwanted pot dwellers. Let the pots to drain and move them inside only afterwards.

Originally Posted here: Tips for Preparing Your Houseplants for Fall


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