When Is the Best Time to Overseed Your Lawn?

If your lawn has become thin and weak or if it has developed any diseases, such as brown patches, one of the best ways to heal and refresh your lawn is by overseeding it and the method is also the best to replace a grass variety that is not suitable for your climate zone or for the soil that you have in garden. To ensure success, you need not only to choose the best seeds, but also to pick the most suitable reseeding time – here are some tips:

Organic Lawn Care Overseeding Your Lawn

  • The best time to overseed lawns is when the plants are at their liveliest and when their growth is the most vigorous. In most areas, this period comes in fall, when the soil is still warm, the seeds can germinate more easily due to the moisture trapped in the soil and when the cool air promotes just the right amount of evaporation;
  • You also need to pick the best time of the day for the procedure – do it early in the morning, on a warm, sunny day, to allow the new seeds to make the most of the great weather. Sprinkle the new seeds around the lawn and water the reseeded area gently, paying attention not to wash them away.  After they have taken root, apply a great organic lawn care product to build those roots.

Originally Posted here: When Is the Best Time to Overseed Your Lawn?


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