Essential Tips for Avoiding Lawn Damage Once the Frost Arrives

Taking care of your lawn will not end in the winter, even if you no longer use fertilizer. Making sure your lawn is in good condition throughout the winter season and taking the right steps to make that happen is essential when it comes to keeping your lawn healthy in the long run:

Revive Grass From Frost Damage


  1. The first thing you’ll have to do is to trim your lawn to the proper height in the autumn, before the freeze arrives, and get it ready for the winter. Make sure that you give it plenty of ideal nutrients by using fertilizer that’s especially designed for fall treatment.
  2. Once the fall ends and the freeze arrives, cease all activity related to tending to your lawn. Avoid ferilizing, treating and mowing your lawn. The alternative would be damaging your lawn beyond recognition and having to work hard again in the spring to make it grow back.
  3. Finally, it’s a good idea to make sure you don’t step on the lawn and that you prevent your pets (and the neighbor’s pets, for that matter) from urinating on it. That way, your lawn will stay fit and healthy until spring comes, and it will no longer be so sensitive and easily damaged.  Follow to get more lawn care products.

Originally Posted right here: Essential Tips for Avoiding Lawn Damage Once the Frost Arrives


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