Common Landscaping Ideas For Lower Water Usage

Landscaping projects using plants that last long without being watered are ideal for those who do not have much time available or live in areas where low water usage is required. With the help of the following plants, you can have a superb yard even in such conditions.Revive Fertilizer Low Water Usage


Perhaps the best known plants that do not require frequent watering, cacti are used in landscaping projects due to their special shapes but also for their colorful flowers. The cactus, a true desert plant, loves drought and needs very little water every month. Unlike other plants, it will suffer and rot if it is watered more than necessary.

Ficus plant

There are over eight hundred varieties of Ficus in the world, but the most common ones used in landscaping are easy to care for. This plant does not need frequent watering, especially if it is put in clay soil, preferring instead light and fresh air.


Portulaca is a great heat lover that grows and blooms beautifully in full sunlight. This flower available in various colors, from white, pink and yellow, to red and purple adores the sandy soil and needs very little water to grow.  Using organic products from Revive to fertilize your plants is a great way to keep them looking great too.


First Seen here: Common Landscaping Ideas For Lower Water Usage


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