How Do You Take the Steps to Choose the Right Holiday Tree?

When choosing a Christmas tree, most people just focus on its overall look and height. A taller tree is usually seen as being more valuable, although depending on your personal preference, you might like them more if they’re short and “fat.”Choosing The Right Green Christmas Tree With Organic Fertilizer


The great thing about choosing a holiday tree is that you can opt for the one you want; however, it’s very important to pay attention to certain aspects, some of which actually do have a lot to do with the tree’s appearance.


First of all, make sure the tree doesn’t have any brown or yellow pins. This will show whether or not it was cut fresh and kept hydrated before being sold. Also, make sure to ask the seller to untie the tree so you can look at it properly when you buy it. If no pins fall to the ground when you give it a shake, then you’ll know that you chose the right one.  Good trees that hold their needles have usually had an organic fertilizer applied to the root system, before it is cut down.


Finally, an important part of choosing a Christmas tree is to make sure that the bottom branches are trimmed so you’ll have at least 8-12 inches left off to secure the tree properly in place once you get home. Without that amount of support, your tree might end up being unstable, so it can be tipped over easily by your children or pets.

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