The Many Benefits of Deep Root Watering During Winter Months

When the winter is dry, and your plants and trees need supplemental watering, deep root watering becomes very essential, not only to their proper care but to their survival as well. Deep root watering is a process that keeps the soil beneath the surface, close to the lowest point of the root, moist and able to continue providing life-giving moisture to your trees and lawn for weeks on end.Lawn Fertilizer Winter Watering


Typically, deep root watering is required once every 3-4 weeks, and it has a few benefits that are quite important to remember:


  • First of all, it prevents the dry soil around your trees and shrubs and lawn from freezing, so you won’t have any problems with natural moisture being repelled and prevented from reaching the root.
  • Deep root watering effectively ensures active root growth, which will keep your plants, trees and lawn healthy throughout the winter season.
  • Some special additions to deep root watering include deep root injections featuring special ingredients that help break the surface tension and allow water to reach the deeper areas of the soil more easily.  Applying the best lawn fertilizer on your lawn, trees, and shrubs will help them through the cold winter months as well.


With deep root watering, you can effectively ensure the survival and thriving of your plants and trees throughout the winter season. While you can perform the task yourself, it’s even better if you find a dependable local service to help you out with it.

Original Post here: The Many Benefits of Deep Root Watering During Winter Months


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