Native Colorado Plants That Are Great In Your Landscape

Native plants are a great choice for landscaping because they are adapted to the local climate and therefore more resistant. In Colorado, there are many flowers, trees and shrubs you can use to create a beautiful garden landscape.

Plants Colorado Care Organic Fertilizer

Using native plants will save you from the work to adapt the vegetation to the specific Colorado soil and environmental conditions. It also reduces the water, fertilizing and pruning requirements, and you will create a habitat for a variety of wildlife.

Rocky Mountain Columbine

This lovely flower is considered the official state flower of Colorado, being a perfect match for its unique climate. Rocky Mountain Columbine will flourish just about anywhere and its colors will look amazing in partly sunny spots but also in full sun above 7,000 feet.

Yellow Alyssum

This is a gorgeous perennial, known for its yellow flowers that bloom in late spring. It is precisely its color that attracts butterflies and bees. Yellow Alyssum prefers sunny spots and a well-drained soil.

Douglas Firs

These big and majestic Christmas style trees grow in a pyramid shape and are adorned by long pinecones. They prefer sunny spots with moist soil content, just be sure to use an organic fertilizer Denver shops sell to nourish it through the 4 seasons. Considering that these trees require little to no trimming, they are a great low maintenance option for landscaping in Colorado.

First Seen right here: Native Colorado Plants That Are Great In Your Landscape


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