What Should You Do With Lawn Dog Spots During Winter?

Dog spots on the lawn are a common problem when the dog is allowed to walk freely through the garden. However, with some precautionary measures, the dog and the lawn can coexist in harmony. Treating Dog Urine Spots During Winter Months Find out how to bring back dead grass from dog urine in a hurry.


Most dogs prefer a certain area of ​​the garden to urinate, especially in winter, when the ground is covered with snow, so it will not be very difficult to identify it. Dog spots are unaesthetic areas where grass has been burned by the high concentration of nitrogen in the dog's urine. They may not be visible in winter, when the ground is covered with snow and the lawn is in a vegetative state, but you will surely not be too happy to discover, in spring, that a part of your lawn looks dead.


The solution to this problem is related to reducing the amount of nitrogen that comes into contact with the grass. The remedy is to water the area that your dog uses to urinate. Water will dilute the nitrogen concentration and your lawn will be safe.


Alternatively, you must ensure that your dog eats a healthy diet that does not exceed the recommended amount of proteins. You should also encourage the dog to drink more water, because this way the amount of nitrogen in the urine will be lower.


First Posted over here: What Should You Do With Lawn Dog Spots During Winter?


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