How Composting Can Help Your Lawn And Garden

The benefits of using compost and Revive products are many and have been tested on many crops.

Compost contains essential nutrients for the development of plants, such as nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, but also  micronutrients, such as cobalt, copper, iodine, iron, magnesium and zinc. The greater the variety of ingredients used in compost, the more nutrients your plants will get.Revive Compost Lawn And Garden

Nutrients are released into the soil when plants need them most: in spring, when plants are still small and temperatures are lower, compost microorganisms release small amounts of nutrients. In summer, when temperatures are high and plants grow rapidly, microorganisms also work more intensively and release more nutrients.

The soil is more aerated, allowing root development. The organic matter in the compost, together with soil particles form small lumps that make it neither crumbly as sand nor sticky as clay. These soil lumps store water and gradually release it for your plants. Water that cannot be retained will be drained to the lower layers of the soil.

Compost improves the soil's ability to retain water, as it can hold up to 200 times more water than its dry weight, compared to unburned soil.

Compost attracts insects, larvae, earthworms and microorganisms that naturally contribute to soil formation, aeration and enrichment.

By using compost you will use less (or not at all) chemical fertilizers and prevent the passage of chemicals into the groundwater or into vegetables/ fruits.

Original Post here: How Composting Can Help Your Lawn And Garden


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