Tips To Plan Your Spring Lawn And Garden

If you own a house, you are lucky – soon, you will enjoy the sun, green grass and flowers in your garden. But you also have an extra responsibility: preparing the garden for spring.

Here are the essential operations you must check on your to-do list:Revive Spring Garden Planning

  1. Verify your gardening tools and prepare them for action

Any gardener, professional or amateur, needs an arsenal of tools and functional accessories for gardening. Make an inventory and see if you have everything you need.

  1. Clean and sanitize the soil

The long winter has left its mark on the aspect of your garden, so you should take action. Collect any kind of debris laying around. Rake the soil to gather leaves, roots and dried stems. It is very important that the soil is clean, to prevent the spread of diseases and to allow new plants to grow properly. Trim the shrubs and trees, removing dried and broken twigs and branches.

  1. Fertilize the soil

As soon as you have finished cleaning, you need to make sure that the soil is ready for the new generation of plants. Loosen, level and apply a natural fertilizer (fermented vegetable residues or manure) to provide the necessary nutrients. Ideally, the application should take place a few weeks before planting begins.

  1. Plan some new landscaping works

If you consider reorganizing your garden and change its aspect, it is best to make a plan and put your ideas on paper. Also, you should document yourself about the planting calendar.  Check websites like for more helpful planning tips.


Originally Posted right here: Tips To Plan Your Spring Lawn And Garden


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