What Happens When Your Lawn Is Dormant For The Winter?

Low temperatures along with frost can become a real problem for the lawn and garden. Normally, your dormant lawn will rest and regenerate in winter, but this does not mean that nothing should be done to care for it.Drought Tolerant Lawn During Winter Months

Cold and frost do not actually damage the lawn, but create conditions to be damaged. These phenomena cause the cells to freeze into the leaves. If you walk on the lawn in these conditions you will destroy the leaves, and, in the spring, the damage will be visible.

It is also important to say that frost does not cause the seeds to die, but maybe only to postpone germination until spring.  Planting drought tolerant grass is wise and easily germinates when the weather warms up.

The lawn must be irrigated and have the necessary nutrients, even in winter, so these operations should not be neglected during the other seasons. In this way, the lawn will withstand well even the most severe weather.

Last but not least, watch out for snow man and other snow accumulations in the garden. Underneath them, you may have the unpleasant surprise to find snow mold formation. It usually occurs in the spring, with the melting of snow, in the form of round spots (1 - 3 cm), reddish brown or bronze. This problem requires the application of special treatments with plant protection products.


Original Post over here: What Happens When Your Lawn Is Dormant For The Winter?


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