Mulch Is Great Any Time Of Year

Mulching refers to covering the garden soil with materials of natural or mineral origin, to prevent weed growth and the evaporation of water from the soil.

Revive Mulch Tips

Here is more information on the benefits of using Revive products and mulching in every season.

  • Early growth. One of the objectives of soil mulching is to change its temperature. Regardless the nature of the mulching material you are using (black/ colorless/ gray foil or organic materials), it will warm up the soil, and the planted vegetation will experience a faster growth, compared to plants that grow without mulching. The first fruits grown in a soil enriched with a layer of mulch can be harvested 7 to 14 days earlier, compared to other fruits.
  • Weed control. This is another main goal of mulching. Depending on the type of mulching material, you can combat unwanted weeds and prevent them from ruining your crops. Black foil used for mulching is the most efficient, as it prevents light from reaching the surface of the soil, which is detrimental to the growth of the weeds.
  • Adjusting the level of moisture in the soil, maintaining the plant health status. The mulching layer maintains the soil humid but also avoids excess water around the roots, especially if the soil is profiled for drainage. Mulching can reduce the frequency of irrigations and the amount of water used; as a consequence, the number of pest attacks and vegetation diseases is reduced.


First Posted over here: Mulch Is Great Any Time Of Year


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