The Importance of Using the Right Fertilizer at the Right Time in Spring

Once spring comes, the soil stops being dormant, and you have to start thinking about the importance of tending to your flower garden once again. Even if you’re just planting seeds, choosing the right fertilizer and making sure you use it at the right time can be essential to your ability to grow a garden successfully all year round.

Springtime Revive Products


Fertilizer feeds your soil, so it’s first of all important to avoid synthetic fertilizer. Many plants can be damaged by synthetic products, and will do better without it. Instead, natural, organic fertilizer from Revive is much better, and to counteract problems such as pests arriving to damage your garden, you can plant herbs that will attract beneficial insects and animals that will keep pest populations at bay.


Instead of considering adding fertilizer to your garden at a specific date, it’s usually best to go by the temperature of the soil – which can reach certain levels at different times of the year, depending on where you live.


The ideal temperature is 55 degrees. Although it might be hard to measure the exact temperature using a thermometer, you’ll know that the temperature is right when the lilacs start blossoming and the grass begins to grow again. Then you’ll know that it’s the best time to use your organic fertilizer in order to start nourishing your garden once again.

First Seen right here: The Importance of Using the Right Fertilizer at the Right Time in Spring


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